D8:The Effect of SRT on Diabetic Renal Failure
Being renal dialysis 3 times a week, can he be rescued from the pain?
Concurrently with using SRT, the nephropathy has the benefit of significantly reducing the symptoms of nephropathy and significantly retarding the deterioration of renal lesions. But, for nephropathy to renal dialysis patients, whether it has a similar effect? Let's study in some cases.
1. Case 68th: Renal Dialysis more than 10 years
Miss Ho had no diabetes. At the age of 45, she suffered from kidney disease and started renal dialysis at the age of 50. She had been renal dialysis ten years when she was 60 years old. Her symptoms were easily fatigue, aversion to cold. Her wound was uneasily healed. Her skin was black and dark. She was insomnia, was easily caught a cold, and her gastroenteritis was difficult to be cured. After using SRT 70 days, her stamina and spiritual were an obvious improvements. The following figure is a good comparison of her complexions.
The Comparison of Miss Ho's complexions before and after using SRT 70 days.
After using SRT, not only her complexion turns to be younger, but also the wound on her arm healed more quickly, improved skin, and improved stamina and spiritual, just as the following picture showed. More of these, she could manage the household, could also go out for walking with her dogs, could do many things she likes. It surely improved the quality of her life.
Her hand turns to be better, too.
On the 59th day of using SRT, she found her fingernails grow to be 2 sections. Miss Ho curiously said "the fingernails before using SRT were thin, very brittle, and easily be broken. The new fingernails seem thicker and more compact. I have kept an eye on my fingernails for 20 days." After meditation, she said emphatically "I am sure that the new fingernails are thicker and stronger, just like the fingernails when I was young."
Her fingernails were improved, too.
2. case 69th: Transplant New Kidney and Then Renal Dialysis
Although Mr. Huang was only 23 years old, he had been renal dialysis for many years. His symptoms were weakness, fatigue, and often ill in bed. In 2011, he transplanted a kidney, then he became healthier a little. But, the function of his new kidney was gradually worsening. After 6 months, he needed renal dialysis to maintain his life. So, Mr. Huang got fatigued, weakness, aversion to cold, hypertension, and pale complexion again. He was often infected, then, he needed frequently in and out of the hospital. His kinship worried about him. The following figure is the 1st page of his inspection report. It shows that the abnormal items(red lines) are more than normal items(green N). It means that Mr. Huang was very unhealthy.
The abnormal items (red lines) are more than normal items (green N). Mr. Huang was very unhealthy.
The following left picture is Mr. Huang using SRT for about ten days. Although once the spirit of physical improved, but he was carelessly caught a cold, severe cough and insomnia. This picture was taken before he hospitalized, displayed that he was thin, shriveled, and weak appearance.
After using SRT, his complexion was changing.
The right picture is Mr. Huang after using SRT for 3 months. His stamina and spiritual were obvious improvements. The ratio of the forehead seems bigger. If the left figure looks like a senior high school student, then the right looks like an obviously developed university student.
After 1 year, Mr. Huang caught a cold and hospitalized. He gave us a message: The hospital checked his renal function and said that the new kidney had no function. And it might cause lots of diseases if it was infected by viruses or bacteria. So, the hospital wanted to inject some chemicals and let the kidney die and withering and needed him to sign the paper for agreement. Mr. Huang did not know it's good or bad. Not so long, he called us. We suggested that the hospital may check the renal function of the creatinine clearance rate(CCR). The inspection report, as following the upper side figure, shows that 24 hours of urine creatinine is 865. Because the hospital did not calculate CCR, so, we suggested them to do it again. After 5 days, the new inspection report, on the lower side, gave us. It shows that 24 hours of urine creatinine is 86. We asked Mr. Huang "Why just 5 days, 24 hours urine creatinine would be 10 times worse it?" Mr. Huang replied "The biotech. herbs run out, and I did not take it. This is the only difference in these 5 days."
Obviously, SRT is helpful to maintain better health conditions for renal dialysis patients.
The difference is 10 times of urine creatinine by using biotech. herbs for Mr. Huang.
Using SRT might invigorate Mr. Huang's new kidney. Then, put it to death was not a good idea. So we suggested Mr. Huang that he needed to pay more attention to protect the new kidneys so as to live safely.
3. Seven Good Effects for Renal Dialysis Patient Using SRT
More cases, please, refer to “Decipherment of The Body Constitution of Diabetes Mellitus” Chapter 11. Renal dialysis patients after using SRT not only can improve the quality of life but also may get 7 good effects as follows.
good stamina and spiritual
extenuate itching
good mood
better complexion
extenuate aversion to cold
a wound is easier to be healed by itself
uneasy to get other diseases (including acute disease and chronic disease)
4. Let's Keep on Studying
More seriously, If diabetes or other chronic disease patients had deteriorated to near death, are there any good effect to them by using SRT? So, let's keep on reading.
D7:The Effect of SRT on Diabetic Renal Worsening《The Previous Chapter The Next Chapter》D9:New Thinking of Diabetes and Other Application