D4:The Effect of SRT on Diabetic Symptoms

Diabetes has lots of symptoms.

Diabetes has lots of symptoms. Then, how is the effect for the diabetic patient concurrently using SRT? We'll discuss in this chapter.

1. Polyphagia, Polyuria, and Polydipsia Need Not Be Treated 

Polyphagia, polyuria, and polydipsia are the main symptoms of diabetes.

The diabetic symptoms of polyphagia, polyuria, and polydipsia are caused by instability of blood glucose. The fluctuation of blood glucose is a trait of a weak body constitution. Chinese medicine and SRT can tonic the weakness body constitution, and quickly relieve diabetic symptoms of polyphagia, polyuria, and polydipsia. So that, they need not be treated on purpose.

2. The Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol 

Diabetes caused by high blood cholesterol is a kind of body's adjustment pathological change. For diabetes, when the system of a biological reaction to produce energy by glucose is insufficient. The body will increase the biochemical system of producing energy by fat and makes an obvious increase of fat in the blood. So that, high blood cholesterol can't be dropped if diabetes is not improved. Likewise, If the patient drops blood cholesterol by chemical drugs, then, blood cholesterol will easily go up again if diabetes is not improved.

After using SRT, the metabolism of diabetic patients gradually returns to normal, and blood fat is gradually descending. He may still take temporarily control by chemical drugs, and keep on tracing. Ordinarily, the blood fat will be descending in one month. The effect is easily observed for high blood fat and is difficultly observed for blood fat near-normal. So, high blood fat needs not to be treated on purpose. With the improvement of diabetes, high blood fat will be self-relieve.

He may have the other disease if blood fat still kept high. Such as abnormality of intestinal flora, abnormal liver function, etc. If necessary, he may keep controlling by chemical drugs or treatment based on syndrome differentiation by Chinese medicine.

3. Case 14th: Boss Lin's Lipoma Caused By High Blood Fat

Boss Lin's diabetes has been 2 years. He takes 4 tablets of chemical drugs to maintain blood glucose AC/PC about 240/160mg/dL(13.3/8.9mmol/L), and feels severely fatigued. He has very high triglyceride (about 7,000 mg/dL, 50-150mg/dL for standard). His body and arms have lots of lipomas (shown in the following figure). The doctor gives him Statin for a long time. But, his triglyceride is still very high. 

Upper Figure: On Boss Lin's arm, there are lots of lipomas. Pinching them by fingers, we'll feel very tight and compact.

Lower Figure: Boss Lin's lipoma and diabetes are still treated in hospital, but concurrently using SRT. After 8 months, his lipoma disappeared when Boss Lin also used SRT.

4. After Using SRT, Need the Patient stop Chemical drugs, Insulin or Dietary restrictions.

For Diabetes, the mental and spiritual will be obviously improved after using SRT. Then, the recommendation for drugs and dietary restrictions is as follows.

5. Will the Blood Sugar Drop After Using SRT?

After diabetic patients using SRT, his blood glucose will drop immediately for some diabetes. But, for a few diabetes, the blood glucose dropped obviously after using SRT some months later. (There are some cases, you may refer to “Decipherment of The Body Constitution of Diabetes Mellitus" chap. 06. So, the blood glucose may fluctuate at the early stage of using SRT. The correct trend is that...

Primarily, stamina and spiritual improved (blood glucose is still unstable). → Then, blood sugar measurements are stabilizing on weekdays low measurement. →stamina and spiritual more improved →Then(or at the same time), blood sugar measurements are descending gradually. So that, the procedure of descending blood glucose is...

This procedure is called the "descending procedure of blood glucose by SRT." And, this displays that the body is gradual recovery the ability of self-control blood glucose. So, diabetes uses SRT, anticipatory, his blood glucose will get stable, and the chaos of blood glucose will be obviously improved. 

6. How to get rid of insulin injection & chemical drugs of descending blood glucose?

The patient's stamina and spiritual obviously improved is the phenomenon of invigorating the body's ability of self-regeneration and healing. And, this will lead that the body gradually restores the ability of self-control blood glucose. Concurrently with the situation of descending blood glucose, then, the patient needs to gradually reduce the quantity of insulin injection and chemical drugs. This is the correct way.

So that...

Reduce the quantity of insulin injection or reduce the number of chemical drugs when blood glucose becomes lower. → wrong  

Stamina and spiritual improved is the key point of considering to reduce the number of drugs. Then, using the following steps to consider that is it a suitable point to reduce the drugs?

7. Identification of Somogyi Phenomenon and Dawn Phenomenon

There are seven adverse reactions to insulin injection. Two of them are...

Treatment: Reduce the quantity of insulin injection.

Treatment: Increase the quantity of insulin injection or plus long-acting insulin at bedtime.

These two phenomena have the same symptoms... Bedtime blood sugar is not high, but very high blood sugar at the next morning. But the treatments are exactly in the opposite way.

Dawn Phenomenon always happens to the diabetics whose islet cells almost have no function of secreting insulin. The injected insulin will be consumed when diabetes past a long night of sleep. At this time, glycogen and fat tissue will be transformed into glucose for increasing blood sugar concentration. But, the units for want of using glucose can't gain it because they, at the same time, are lack of insulin to "open the door." Then, the brain will mistake that blood glucose concentration is still insufficient, needs to actively manipulate the body to produce more glucose, and lead the blood glucose quickly rising. So, when the patient measures blood glucose concentration early in the morning, he will find that the blood glucose is extraordinarily high. This condition is called the Dawn Phenomenon, and its treatment is increasing the number of insulin injections.

8. Case 45Th: Mr. Fu's Very-long-years-diabetes

Mr. Fu has diabetes for more than 50 years, and he has Dawn Phenomenon. After using SRT, his body constitution is improved, and his complexion and face show younger.

Mr. Fu is improving and his complexion is changing, too.

9. What causes Somogyi Phenomenon?

When diabetes, who has Somogyi Phenomenon, has too much insulin injection, it may lead the blood glucose too low. The body will be actively, constantly, trying to increase blood sugar and resist the descending of blood sugar. Our body will be vigilance to the danger of low blood glucose and releases adrenaline or glucagon, etc. to increase the liver and adipose tissue for insulin resistance, lead to increase blood glucose. Then, the patient will rebound to high blood glucose. And, he may be got ketoacidosis. If the patient injects too much insulin before bedtime, then his blood glucose may rebound to high blood glucose in his sleeping. Or, to the early morning, the metabolism changes from sleeping state to an active state, the body needs to increase insulin and blood glucose concentration. When blood glucose concentration is suppressed to a very low state by excess insulin injection, the organ needs to use glucose maybe lack of it. Then, our body will properly increase glucagon, and lead to that liver and adipose tissue increase insulin resistance and release more blood glucose. At this time, there are no brakes to stop blood glucose rising, then the blood glucose will abruptly increasing. 

Therefore, because of our body still have the power to resist the interference from injection too much insulin, the patient will abruptly increasing blood glucose and displays hyperglycemia symptom with very high blood glucose. This is called Somogyi Phenomenon and its treatment is "reduce the quantity of insulin injection."

By observation of many cases, the identification of Somogyi Phenomenon and Dawn Phenomenon are listed as the following table.


When the patient's body constitution is too old to have Environmental Balance Ability, he will easily have Dawn Phenomenon. Otherwise, he is more likely to have Somogyi Phenomenon.

10. The Phenomenon of Injection Excess Insulin

Much juvenile diabetes controls their blood glucose by injection insulin in the long-term. They sometimes have Somogyi Phenomenon, even caused ketoacidosis.

The excess insulin injection will suppress our pancreas to secrete insulin. The following inspection report displays this phenomenon.

11. Case 77th: Ping's Juvenile Diabetes 

Ping is nine years old and has injected insulin for more than 3 years. The following inspection report checked before using SRT,  displays... 

Fasting C peptide is low to the one-tenth of the standard level(0.04). This shows that the function of her pancreas secretion insulin is very low.

But, 120 minutes after a meal should be a very prosperous period to digest, her C peptide[120mins] shows the lower level (0.03). That means she injected insulin too much, and the function of her pancreas to secrete insulin was suppressed to lower than the fasting level( 0.04 ).

Ping's test result of fasting C-Peptide, And C-peptide 120 minutes after the meal 

She is occasionally attacked by Somogyi Phenomenon. And she needs to inject more insulin to relieve ketoacidosis.

12. The Method Might Cure Juvenile Diabetes

In “Decipherment of The Body Constitution of Chronic Illnesses” Chapter 6, we have discussed that... 

The rule of the human body 's organ, organization, and system that if you don't use it, then it becomes to no use.

Juvenile Diabetes can't be cured, if he injects insulin too much that will lead to the degradation of islet cells, because they are no use.

The Method might Cure Juvenile Diabetes is...

After Ping using SRT two months, her stamina and spiritual are obviously improved, significantly reduces her food intake, and the quantity of insulin injection is reduced from 12 units to 7 units per day. 

13. the Patient is Allergic to Insulin and Diabetic Chemical Drugs

Using SRT to restore stamina and spiritual, making our body recover the ability to control blood glucose, and his body will cure his own diabetes as much as possible. Please refer to “Decipherment of The Body Constitution of Diabetes Mellitus” Chap. 06 for more cases.

14. Will Blood Glucose Be Dropped Too Low by Using SRT?

The used Chinese medicine technology product or herbs that recommendation by SRT, they are no chemical drugs added. So that, at the early stage of using SRT, the effect of descending blood glucose maybe not obvious. The effect of SRT is only on repairing the body constitution and make the body gradually recover the ability of self-control blood glucose.

For diabetes, the ability of self-control blood glucose means that PC will be lower and AC will be stable, and he is uneasily to get hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia symptoms caused by abnormal blood sugar oscillation. So, after using SRT, if blood glucose increases, the patient should pay attention to the daily diet whether the food is too rich or too much quantity. Has he managed his own sleeping and exercise well? If blood glucose decreasing to too low, the patient should review whether he takes too much diabetic chemical drugs or insulin overdosage injects. All of them are indicators that the body is recovering "the ability of self-control blood sugar." 

15. Diabetes in Vegetative State is Awake

The dead brain cells cannot regenerate, just like caused by accident, stroke that the brain cells get hurt and form vegetative or hemiplegia, etc. These symptoms cannot be cured. The key point of the problem is that the brain cells get hurts by diabetic hypoglycemia are dead? Or, they are just in lethargy because of insufficient blood circulation and malnutrition, so that they lost their normal function.

There are ever two diabetic hypoglycemia patients in a vegetative state, they are awake by using SRT by their family's help. Instead of the lethargy period, they don't need care and can live a life with little housework. These are very helpful to their families. 

16. The Symptoms And Treatment for "The Insufficient Patient Cannot Accept Invigoration Therapy"

Very few weakness or abnormal body constitution patients, after using SRT they may have the symptoms of dry mouth, hot flashes, oral mucosal damage, insomnia, constipation and other symptoms of "the insufficient patient cannot accept invigoration therapy." The treatment is reducing the quantity each time and reducing the number of daily use, drinking plenty of water, eating more vegetables, taking more exercise, and sleeping well, these will make body constitution to adapt and to be gradually improved. All of them are helpful for the body constitution to get rid of "the insufficient patient cannot accept invigoration therapy." 

17. Very Few Patients Will Feel Sleepy at The Early Stage of Using SRT

For diabetics after using SRT, it is a good condition that if they feel sleepy. The body constitution will be repaired quicker by more sleeping. And, feeling of sleeping at the early stage is often kept on about 7 days, then relieved. The key point to differentiate improving or deteriorating for the feeling of sleeping is as following...

After using SRT, some of the patients with weakness body constitutions will have the phenomenon of feeling sleepy. They are always in sickness for a long time, for working stay up late, and often too tired. 

18. After diabetes get well, will it relapse? 

Denying "12 diabetes stimulating factors" and actively using SRT, this is the key point for successfully self-repairing diabetes. If he keeps on maintaining a good body constitution, then, he should not get diabetes again.

Let the Root Go Deep for Stability and Health

For earlier getting diabetes patients, his healthy body constitution was damaged by "12 diabetes stimulating factors." And let himself earlier lose the ability to stably maintain the blood glucose in a normal range. Then, his health just like the tree it's root has lost lots of soil. His outer leaves have been sparse and his root has severely lost lots of soil.

He should quickly correct the missing by using SRT as soon as possible. And, let the root go deep for stability and health. Hope to gain health again.

19. Let's Keep on Studying

The symptoms of diabetes will be gradually relieved by using SRT, then, what is the effect for diabetic lesions by using SRT? Let's keep on studying...

                   D3: The Effect of Descending Diabetic Blood Glucose by SRT《The Previous Chapter           The Next Chapter》D5: The Effect of SRT on Diabetic Lesions