C7:Sum up The Effect of SRT on Chronic Diseases
The Chronic Disease Is Not Terrible. Not knowing The Chronic Disease Is Really Terrible.
1. Series of Three Books on Research of Chronic Diseases
Three books on the research of chronic diseases are...
Book 1: “Decipherment of The Body Constitution of Chronic Illnesses”
Book 2: “Decipherment of The Body Constitution of Diabetes Mellitus”
Book 3: "Decipherment of The Body Constitution of Difficult and Complicated Diseases"
These 3 books can be set up to be "The Study of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Chronic Diseases"
2. What Difference Between Treatment And SRT
According to the observation and analysis of more than 200 cases in these 3 books, we may divide diseases into two kinds, they are...
Acute Disease: Infection or sudden dysfunction, these diseases should mainly be treated for symptoms.
Chronic Disease: Parts of the body lost the ability to clear the infection or lost the ability of self-regeneration and healing. these diseases should mainly be treated by self-regeneration and healing to restore the ability he lost. This is what we called SRT.
3. The Important Conclusions for Chronic Diseases
The important conclusions of these 3 books for chronic diseases are...
A. The chronic disease is "only controlled" and "can't be cure." by chemical drugs. So that, the physique should restore the lost function, the chronic disease will be cured by himself.
B. Chronic disease is mainly not gotten by hereditary
Human body is designed for health and longevity, and die in a natural death. "Early appearance of chronic disease" come from damaged healthy body constitution by "12 chronic stimulating factors."
C. evolution and complication of chronic disease
Evolution: local physical damage will follow the degree of weakness, stasis, and sclerosis continued to deteriorate.
Complication: the damaged body constitution will easily cause another kind of chronic disease, and will easily cause acute disease.
D. Chronic disease can be cured by self-regeneration and healing
Since chronic disease comes from the damage of body constitution, the best way of cure or improvement chronic diseases is repair of damaged body constitution. Then, SRT is a good choice.
E. Can chronic disease be cured?
It depends on the recovery degree of ability of self-regeneration and healing. But, according to the cases we observed, Most of all chronic diseases can be gotten well. Even, they can't be cured, SRT will let them deteriorate very slowly, and hardly feel symptoms.
4. The View Point of Body Constitution Used in Diabetes
Since chronic diseases come from the damaged body constitution, the best way of cure or improvement of chronic diseases is the improvement of damaged body constitution. If the viewpoint of body constitution is used in diabetes. Then, the question is...
what is the damaged point of diabetes?
How to repair it?
How's the effect?
How's the effect of diabetic symptoms and lesions?
According to our research findings...
A. The Damaged Point of Diabetes
Diabetes should divided into 3 types. They are...
Inflamed Pancreas(Sclerosis) Type of Diabetes
the damaged point of body constitution: ß cells of pancreas were damaged. It leads to insulin secretion decreasing.
Stasis Type of Diabetes
the damaged point of body constitution: An organ, it needs glucose, but glucose is been in obstacle to transportation, the organ is lack of glucose. It leads to both insulin secretion (insulin resistance) and blood glucose are stably increasing.
Weakness Type of Diabetes
the damaged point of body constitution: On the basis of Stasis Type of Diabetes, because the body constitution is so weak that the ß cells can't burden "insulin secretion increasing". It leads insulin secretion disorders, and blood glucose concentration abruptly increasing and disorders.
B. The observation of self-regeneration and healing on diabetes
At the beginning, we shall introduce the viewpoint of The Damage of Body Constitution. Let the patient understand that diabetes comes from the damage of body constitution. There are "12 diabetes stimulating factors" that will damage healthy body constitution. If the patient wants to cure diabetes then he needs to avoid "12 diabetes stimulating factors." And, choose the recipe for supplementary food to help the patient using SRT.
C. The result of observation for the diabetes using SRT
After observation for hundreds of diabetes using SRT, the result is...
Inflamed Pancreas(Sclerosis) Type of Diabetes...
The process of being cured or improved belongs to PTS type (plenty of symptoms, two steps lowing the blood glucose and be cured slowly).
Stasis Type of Diabetes
The process of being cured or improved belongs to LS type (lack of symptoms, lowing the blood glucose and be cured slowly).
Weakness Type of Diabetes
The process of being cured or improved belongs to PQ type (plenty of symptoms, quick to descend the blood glucose and quick to be cured).
D. Can diabetes be cured?
Can diabetes be cured? It depends on the damaged condition. If the damaged condition exceeds the ability of self-regeneration and healing, then the diabetes can't be cured, but the deterioration of diabetes will become very slowly by using SRT. On the contrary, the diabetes is curable by using SRT.
E. The symptoms of diabetes
In generally, no needs to treat, they will be self-relieved by using SRT
F. The lesions of diabetes
In generally, no needs to treat, they will be self-improved by using SRT
G. Diabetic Nephropathy
By using SRT, they may restore to normal condition for the slight, and for severe condition, the deterioration will become very slowly, and his stamina, spiritual and quality of life will be obviously improved.
5. The Origin of and Coping with Incurable Diseases
The chronic disease comes from the damage of a healthy body constitution which lost some normal functions. When the patient suffers from some kinds of chronic disease, and becomes complicated and changeable, and hardly controlled and treated by chemical drugs. It becomes "Difficult and Complicated Diseases."
6. To Sum up Chronic Diseases
Self-regeneration and healing chronic disease should follow the guidelines of "Yellow Emperor's internal canon".
(1). "Using acquired constitution nourish the native constitution" and "protect the Qi of the stomach" are some of the most important considerations.
(2). Invigorating the five viscera, the six hollow organs, the ability of balance and the ability of self-regeneration & healing.
(3). For women, the practitioner had better consider her body constitution changes of Menstruation, pregnancy, fetus, childbirth, postpartum, menopausal symptoms, and anemia.
(4). For children, the practitioner needed mainly consider their gastrointestinal function, such as digestion and absorption. Be cautious when using "supplement Yang prescription" of traditional Chinese medicine.
The purpose of this research is to cure chronic diseases, to protect the body constitution and the pursuit of the goal of human life's "die with natural death."
C6: The Effect of SRT on Critical Illnesses《The Previous Chapter The Next Chapter》Communication