C6:The Effect of SRT on Critical Illnesses
The Target of Researching SRT is Rescuing Pain, Live in Dignity, and Natural Death for Mankind.
If diabetes or other chronic disease are serious to life-threatening, does SRT have a similar effect to the patient?
Let's explain it in some cases.
1.Case 58th: Mr. Don Stops Insulin Injection and Being Heart Failure
When Mr. Don was 78 years old, he had been a diabetic patient for 28 years. He needed insulin injection 28 units and took 3 pills of chemical drugs every day. And, his blood sugar was controlled about 270mg/dL(15 mmol/L) for AC, 320-360mg/dL(18-20mmol/L) for PC. In 2010, Mr. Don performed an operation to remove the left kidney for cancer. After surgery, the wound was sewed up. After some days when the doctor took off the thread, they surprisingly found that the wound didn't heal (shown as the following figure). Moreover, he has the symptoms of aversion to cold, fatigue, and listlessness, etc.
Diabetes 28 years, after left kidney cancer surgery, this was a non-healed wound.
After Mr. Don used SRT, his blood sugar descended. He stopped insulin injection after used SRT 40 days and reduced chemical drugs to 2.5 pills. His blood glucose was about 134-170 mg/dL(7.5-9.5 mmol/L)for AC, 160-190 mg/dL(9-10.5 mmol/L) for PC. His stamina and spiritual were obviously improved. And he felt his hair turns blacker a little(shown as the following figure). After using SRT 70 days, he reduced chemical drugs to 2 pills every day, and his blood glucose was about 134-152 mg/dL(7.5-9 mmol/L) for AC and 153-189 mg/dL(8.5 -10.5 mmol/L) for PC. Mr. Don took exercise for 1 hour every day. So, his life quality was obviously improved. We kept tracking this case for about 4 years, and he got a good effect.
Stamina & spiritual were significantly improved, even hair turned blacker a little.
In 2015, Mr. Don was neglect concurrent with SRT gradually, then he got fatigued and chest tightness sometimes. At the end of 2015, he was checked out of coronary artery occlusion. In January 2016, he performed heart operation twice and was put two stents in his heart. Not only his symptoms had no improvement, but he also caused severe heart failure and hospitalization times, and his renal function appeared deteriorating. The inspection results were...
The normal range of creatine value, one item of Renal function test is 59-104 umol/L[0.7-1.2mg/dL]. Mr. Don's test value is...
A:02/02 199 [2.3mg/dL]
B:02/17 160 [1.8mg/dL]
C:03/19 162 [1.8mg/dL]
The index for heart failure is NT-proBNP, and its diagnostic threshold is under 1,800pg/ml for 75 years old and the older. Mr. Don's test value are...
a:02/02 5922
b:02/17 5084
c:03/09 4366
d:03/15 3219
At that time, Mr. Don's family thought that the effect of using SRT might be hopeful to save him, then they asked a friend to prepare. Mr. Don had dry coughed for a long time, they asked for treatment by Chinese medicine doctor on March 21. On the evening of the next day (March 22), he had severe diarrhea and shocked. His symptoms were 90-100/minute for heart beating, 70/40 mmHg for blood pressure, and dangerous phenomena of collapse and couldn't hold stool and urine. They quickly sent him to a large hospital for first aid. After blood pressure and electrocardiogram test, the hospital said: "we don't have room for Mr. Don." Then they quickly sent him to another large hospital for first aid. His blood pressure was 65-70/45mmHg, 70-90/min for heart beating. He hospitalized in CCU at 11 pm. His renal function test result was ...
D:03/22 236 [2.7mg/dL]
Although they didn't the Index for heart failure, The phenomena of low blood pressure, collapse, couldn't hold stool and urine, and CRE value abruptly increasing meant that Mr. Don was losing his heart function. Later at night, he was fed biotech. herbs 13g for each time. The Index for heart failure was...
e:03/23 2309 (This value is lower than d. 3219 before his shocking condition.)
His stamina and spirit turned out to be better. On March 26, his CRE value was E:130[1.47mg/dL](obviously getting better). He went home on March 28 and looked like in good condition. His biotech. herbs were decreased to 7g for each time. The variations of inspection value were shown in the figure as follows.
The Changes of Mr. Don's NTP Value
The Changes of Mr. Don's CRE Value
The trend displayed in the figures shows that biotech. herbs seem to have a good effect on improving heart failure (section a-e). After one month, Mr. Don's family had a good vacation in Australia.
About two months after the holiday vacation in Australia, his family said that he was often in drowsiness, fatigue, and dementia. His heart beating was about more 40/min and below 50/min. His blood pressure was about 90/50 mmHg. After careful inquiry, we found that his family gave him chemical drugs according to the doctor's prescription. So, he took six kinds of antihypertensive drugs. Their functions were lower heart rate and blood pressure. We recommended reducing these chemical drugs. After communication, the antihypertensive drugs were gradually reduced to one kind, then his stamina and spiritual recovered gradually, too. Obviously, Mr. Don took antihypertensive drug overdosage and bred to drowsiness, fatigue, and dementia. This situation is similar to the case 55 "Mrs. Deng was in drowsiness and collapse by antihypertensive drugs overdosage" in “Decipherment of The Body Constitution of Chronic Illnesses” Chapter 8. And her life was saved by reducing the number of antihypertensive drugs, too.
And Mr. Don's family fax to us his new inspection results as following...
Heart Failure Index(NTP): [Mr. don's normal range is below 1,800]
05/24 4657(f)
06/22 4638(g)
08/16 1980(h)
CRE: [The normal range is 59-104umol/L(0.7-1.2mg/dL)]
05/24 183(F) [2.1]
06/22 191(G) [2.2]
08/16 152(H) [1.7]
His stamina and spiritual were obviously improved and he had a normal daily life. Especially, his NTP value closely descended to the normal value(section f-h). They were happy about this result. Then they went to America for a vacation at the end of August.
Mr. Don's inspection results are listed as the following table.
The Table of Mr. Don's inspection results
2. Case 59th: Miss Lieu Seriously Diabetes
When Miss Liu was 85 years old, she had been a diabetic patient for more than ten years. She took renal dialysis for several years. Her symptoms were fatigue, listlessness. She was so seriously dizzy that she almost couldn't stand. Just as the following figure is shown, her feet were faced amputation. On Aug.17, her 2 toes of the left foot were amputated. After debridement operation 7 days, we took the picture shown on the left. But, it kept emitting a thick smell of carrion in the ward when we took the picture. The physician indicated that the whole left foot had to be amputated immediately or it would be converted into life-threatening sepsis at any time. But, Miss Liu and her family replied that we hoped no more amputation. Because, every day, the physician urged the second amputation as soon as possible, Miss Liu and her daughter needed us to help them. We needed Miss Liu's inspection report to analyze her condition.
The photo was taken on the seventh day after Miss Liu cut two toes and performed debridement.
The hospital took blood & urine to test, the part of the inspection report was shown as follows. There are 20 items abnormal in 32 items. It showed that Miss Liu had been severely infected, very low hemoglobin, and seriously poor body constitution. We suggested that she should be transfusion before amputation when hemoglobin is adequate, then amputation would be more likely to succeed. But, the physician unhappily said that the numbers on the inspection report were not important, and she had to be amputated immediately or she might convert to sepsis and threatened her life.
"Will amputation succeed?"
"Will amputation succeed?"
Her family asked many times. But, the physician kept silence to this question.
One Page of Ms. Lieu's Test Result
There are 20 of the 32 items were found to be abnormal. And her hemoglobin is very low(67 for the normal range:110-150). Very low HGB for diabetes will easily keep their cellulitis deteriorating and worsening.
After Miss Liu used SRT, her right foot, picture A shown as follows, flew out some pus, and she felt better. Her left foot had been no perception for a long time. But, she felt pain and began constantly moaning on the day she started using SRT, and her left foot flew out some pus after used SRT 5 days. So, she felt her left foot was getting better, too. But the physician said, "If you don't want to remove the whole foot, the three black and dried toes( figure B) need to be amputated." For facing an unknown future, Miss Liu and her family could not resist the physician's murmured statement. In the middle of September, Her 3 toes of the left foot were removed off. But, when the physician cut the middle toe, it was bleeding a lot. It is very surprising for the physician, so that, he never mentioned the amputation of the left foot again. Picture C was taken after 40 days of amputation 3 toes.
Ms. Lieu' feet
A. right foot after used SRT 3 days
B. left foot, still having 3 toes, after used SRT 12 days
C. left foot, all toes were removed, after used SRT 57 days
On the lunar new year of the next year, Miss Liu happily played Majiang(麻將) with her kinships. She suddenly felt sick and abruptly passed away. At that time, her bio-tech. herbs had been stopped for about 2 months.
Miss Liu reaches the goal of "Rescue Painful, Dignity to Live, and Natural Death."
To be mankind, this goal should be chased by everyone. You may think about it. How she subsists his life when his limb is constantly demanded to be amputated by doctors?
3.Case 70th: Dialysis to Life-threatening
Boss Lin pasted the monthly inspection reports on the renal dialysis logbook. The ferritin test was carrying fixed inspected once every three months and its normal range is 22-322. In the early 2 years of renal dialysis, the first 4 numbers as shown in the following figure, his ferritin was almost in a normal range. In the third year of his renal dialysis, his ferritin abruptly increased to 1254.50 ( labeled A of the figure). In general, the patient's life is threatened when his ferritin is more than 500. The physician looked at the inspection report, and very seriously said: "The maximum amount of medicinal liquid has been used, but ferritin does not fall down, something is going to happen to your life."
The Ferritin Values Shown in The Boss Lin's Test Report.
After boss Lin used SRT, his stamina and spiritual were gradually improved. Calcium and phosphorus are gradually controlled by his improved body constitution, and hemoglobin was improved from 9 up to 10, this meant that his anemia was improved, too. The EPO injection was delayed from once a week to once every 2 weeks. Sometimes, on purpose, it delayed to once per month, he wouldn't feel sick. Concurrently, his sleeping was improved. So, he could work, and his quality of life was obviously improved.
After using SRT 4 months, the inspection report showed that his ferritin dropped to 967.00 (shown as the following figure E). Boss Lin was so happy as to quote the words from the physician that he looked at the inspection report of 2010/02/24, and said to Boss Lin: "you might keep on renal dialysis for 25 years!"
The Ferritin Values Shown in The Boss Lin's Test Report.
After using SRT 13 months, his inspection report, shown as the following figure, on 2010/02/24 showed that the ferritin dropped to 594.40. Although, there are 9 items too high and 1 item too low, the key point is that P(phosphorous) dropped from 6.7 to 4.9(labeled with a red line, it's nearly 4.7-the normal value), and his liver inflammation index ALT dropped from 119 to 75(labeled with blue line). These were the indicators of "significant improvement".
Boss Lin's Test Result
Boss Lin could continue working when he got rid of the danger, SRT shows good results.
4. Case 71th: Master Li's Liver cyst healed
Master Li is a well-known abbot of a temple. She, was 60 years old, had renal dialysis for about 6 years. She took antihypertensive drugs for two years. But, her most dangerous disease was a liver cyst. She had been drilled three little holes from the liver part (under the right rib) to drainage more than six months. Until early 2012, the drainage was about 2 liters of liquid per day. Due to a serious deterioration, she had hospitalized for about two months. Referring physicians clearly said that that disease is incurable and the drainage will keep on flowing out until the end of life.
After master Li used SRT 3 days, her blood pressure dropped from 180mmHg to below 140mmHg. She stopped taking antihypertensive drugs. The drainage from the liver was gradually decreasing and stopped at the 17th day of using SRT. Then, she went to the hospital and removed the drainage tube.
When using SRT on the 5Th day, Master Li became good stamina and spiritual. She invited us to have lunch together. The following figure was taken in front of the restaurant. Showing high spirit, master Li stood straight. Who knows what she was facing the threat of her life five days before.
Showing high spirit, master Li stood straight. Who knows what she was facing the threat of her life five days before.
We kept tracking this case to 2014, and master Li kept using SRT for about 2 years. Her some concurrent symptoms had been obviously improved including her hypertension. She still needed renal dialysis 3 times a week, but she looked healthier and happier.
5. Dr. Lieu's Dangerous Heart Failure
Dr. Lieu was over 50 years old. He had serious diabetes, hypertension, fatty liver, and gout, etc. for many years.
The First Time of Heart Failure
In 2012, Dr. Lieu said that 2 years ago he was sent to hospital by ambulance due to cardiovascular blockage and was put in heart stent. After surgery, my heartbeat was irregular. It stopped once every 3 to 4 times. He humorously said that his heart beating just liked a Blues dancer, 1, 2, 3, stop, 1, 2, 3, stop, ... and the doctor told me "your heart is damaged about one fourth by diagnosis."
The Second Time of Heart Failure
In 2012, Dr. Liu started using SRT. In the middle of this year, he went to work at a distance. After his back home, he felt extremely tired and got slight edema feet. After some days, he ate bananas at midnight and got stomach pain. Then, edema feet became very seriously shown as the following figure.
His symptoms were difficulty breathing, chest tightness, unable to lie down, heart beating was increasing to 100-110/min. He went to hospitals and tested. A few doctors diagnosed "caught a cold." But they couldn't relieve the symptoms. Then, Dr. Lieu appeared "very serious heart failure" of dangerous phenomena.
At last, about one month later, he was diagnosed with "heart failure", and immediately hospitalized in ICU. By applying diuretics injection, he urinated twice an hour in the whole night. To the morning of the next day, he urinated more than 10 liters. ...SRT may show its power when the condition is under control.
In the early morning, The doctor came and saw Dr. Lieu, looked in good spirits. The voiding record showed that he voided more than 10 thousand millimeters of urine in all night, the doctor blamed the nurse loudly "why did not inspect the voiding." That meant "How could so much? Let the patient scrawls."
Dr. Lieu hospitalized ten days in ICU and voided more than 20 liters of urine. Then, he was discharged.
In the period of "extreme" heart failure, the test results of blood, urine, and LDH, etc. are almost normal. These showed that SRT has some effect on him. How serious of his "extreme" heart failure? Let's see the part of the discharge report as follows.
The Part of Doctor Lieu's Discharge Report
The Third Time of Heart Failure....The Heart Stopped
Comfort and mistakes are always together. Comfort makes the patient forget the importance of SRT. In early 2015, Dr. Lieu had neglected SRT for about one year. At that time, he had the symptoms of not easy to cure colds, fatigue, and often gout attacked. He reluctantly went home for Lunar new year by airplane on Feb.
Feb. 18, after the dinner of new year's eve, it's about 9 o'clock pm. His good friend, Miss Shi, came. She put a pill of Ginsenosides into Dr. Lieu's mouth. He quickly felt sick, but Miss Shi thought it doesn't matter, and put one more pill into Dr. Lieu's mouth. It was in ten seconds, Dr. Lieu felt difficult breathing, anguished, and spit out 2 pills of Ginsenosides, and yelled: "send me to the hospital!" The family eagerly arranged who drove the car, who took with the car. Dr. Lieu loudly yelled again "call an ambulance" then he fainted.
The ambulance with Dr. Lieu went to a large hospital in a hurry. On its way, his heart stopped. The physician with the ambulance did electric shock and CPR to keep his heart weakly beating. The ambulance arrived at a district hospital emergency room, but the hospital couldn't treat so serious patients. And he was transferred to a national grade hospital and surgery immediately. He got one more stent in his heart and stayed in ICU for seven days.
He hospitalized in common ward on Feb. 25 and right away used SRT in triple quantity. That night, he urinated more than 10 liters urine and felt more comfortable. He was discharged on Mar. 3. The part of the discharge report is the figure as follows. Dr. Lieu went back to the hospital and checked three times. The only trouble was his high blood glucose. Because he hated and did not eat hypoglycemic chemical drugs.
On Mar. 27, his friends came to visit him (including from HK and Chinese mainland). Dr. Lieu's complexion was not bad and he could drive his motorcycle to go shopping and visited his friends.
When the heart of mankind is damaged, it still has the ability of self-regeneration and healing. So, Dr. Lieu has to concentrate on using SRT to repair his heart as soon as possible. Research, reported in this area, please refer to “Decipherment of The Body Constitution of Chronic Illnesses” Chapter 3.
6. Let's Keep on Studying
After the discussion of the above 6 chapters, by the way of repairing the damaged body constitution, SRT has a good effect as much as possible to cure "Difficult and Complicated Diseases". We'll make a conclusion in the next chapter. Let's keep on studying.
C5: The Effect of SRT on Multi Disorders《The Previous Chapter The Next Chapter》C7: Sum up The Effect of SRT on Chronic Diseases