D: About Diabetes
Diabetes is usually considered to be inherited, cannot be cured, only medication control. According to the research findings of “Decipherment of The Body Constitution of Chronic Illnesses”, we find that the DM is caused by a deteriorating body constitution to lose the ability to control the blood glucose to the normal range. When we treat the patient with Self Regeneration Therapy, we’ll found 3 types of DM. They are called Weakness Type, Stagnation Type, and Inflamed Pancreas Type. And, relatively, they also show 3 types in improving the procedure. These 3 types of diabetes respectively have their body constitution damage point.
In concurrently using SRT to improve diabetes, the effect of descending blood glucose is corresponding to 3 types, too. they are respectively PQ type (plenty of symptoms, quick to descend the blood glucose and quick to be cured), LS type (lack of symptoms, lowing the blood glucose and be cured slowly), and PTS type (plenty of symptoms, two steps lowing the blood glucose and be cured slowly). Symptoms and pathological changes of DM will be improved, even be cured, together when the blood glucose descends to closing the normal level. But, it is according to the recovering of Self Regeneration and healing abilities that the degree of the pathological changes could be cured or not. Even if they cannot be cured totally, after having some improvements of pathological changes, DM will be worsening very slowly (almost stop worsening).
Although, in DM-Time-Table, there are divided into 3 types of DM. Along with the worsening and aging of the patient, one type of DM will combine with another type of DM. To the last stage of DM career, 3 types of DM will mix together. And then, the situation of DM can be hardly controlled by chemicals.
Although, the pathological changes of the kidney are worsening to the worst stage, “the Eight Methods of Self Regeneration Therapy” could still improve the symptoms of DM, the patient’s physical strength and the quality of daily life. So, SRT is very helpful to the patient himself and his family.
About “Decipherment of The Body Constitution of Diabetes Mellitus”
“Decipherment of The Body Constitution of Diabetes Mellitus” is published in 2015, written by MD candidate. The book is Using the A4 forum. There are 13 Chapters and 246 pages. It discusses that typing of diabetes by the damaged point of body constitution, and the effect of SRT for diabetic patient's symptoms, lesions, concurrent with other chronic diseases, nephropathy, and renal failure with dialysis. There are...
129 pictures
72 cases
266 references
in the book.
These data can summarily prove the feasibility and authenticity of Self Regenerative Therapy by using diabetes.
B6: The Study of Herbs with Bio-technology《The Previous chapter The Next Chapter》D1: Type of Diabetes by The Damage of Body Constitution