C2:The Effect of SRT on Aging Diseases

B is older than A on age, but A is more aging than B. Therefore, aging is not on age, but on losing the maintenance of normal operating function. 

1. Aging is Unequal to the Old Age 

Aging diseases mean that the body lost some functions which maintain himself in normal condition and lead him to get chronic diseases. In general, chronic diseases are incurable but can be controlled. "Can be controlled" means that "taking chemical drugs can delay the onset and deterioration of the condition, can suppress pain and discomfort." "Incurable" means that the body lost the ability of self-regeneration and healing for this function, so that, these functions cannot be cured by chemical drugs.

Aging has a different meaning from old age. For normal people, everyone has a whole set of organs to cope with the change of his living environment, Then...

There is a saying, though difficult to hear, but it is true. When young people have no respect for the elderly. They may angrily say that the coffin does not load the elderly, they load the dead. This means that the elderly would be not dead in the near future. A man with severe aging may die in the near future. Now, there are many young people who get aging diseases. What can we do?

On the view of body constitution, let the body restore his own ability of self-regeneration and healing by using SRT. Then the aging patient may self-healing his own chronic diseases. Let's explain it by case.

2. Case 36: Retinal Atrophy Is Almost Cured

Mr. Fu is an excellent expert in interior design. when he was 45 years old, he felt his eyes sick, then he went to an ophthalmologic clinic. Mr. Fu had no diabetes. His eyes didn't get well, although he kept on putting eye-drops into his eyes by a doctor's order.

Until Oct. 1, 2006, by the introduction of another doctor (recorded in the medical record), he went to a famous ophthalmologist in a large hospital. At this time, his eyes were diagnosed with retinal atrophy. 

Before being treated by this large hospital, Mr. Fu had been treated by an ophthalmologist for 8 years, his symptoms were...

Thus, he was treated in the clinic in the long-term. The doctors only gave him the "IOP" potion to reduce intraocular pressure.

Mr. Fu went to the large hospital and treated by a new ophthalmologist, and had a new medical record shown as the following figure. It shows that he had 8 serious eye diseases.

There were 8 troubles on Mr. Fu's eyes and the doctor gave him IOP only. 

The doctor only gave him three weeks of "IOP" potion to reduce intraocular pressure(I). 

The figure on the next is Mr. Fu's medical records. ...95(2006).10.12 the doctor annotated "?" (perhaps the doctor gets confused for something). And then, for a year ( 95.12.21-96.12.25) the doctor wrote down "No special complain" and gave him 8 weeks of IOP. Treating so serious eye disease, the doctor only gave him IOP for 1 and a half years (95.8.1-96.12.25). In this period, his eyes got one more symptom 〜 Marcus-Gun pupil (ou). Obviously, his eye-disease was still deteriorating. And obviously, IOP can't solve all his serious eye diseases? 

The medical record shows that the doctor only gave him IOP for 1 and a half years (95.8.1-96.12.25) and he got one more eye disease〜Marcus-Gun pupil. Obviously, his disease was deteriorating.  

Continuingly, he saw the doctor one more year (96.12.25-97.12.2), and kept using IOP. On Dec. 2, 2008 (the following figure A) the doctor found his eye disease progression. By that time, he had been treated in this hospital ophthalmology clinic for two years and 4 months. On medical record, His eye diseases had been deteriorating( (os) scotoma↑& advanced glaucoma r/o progression). And the doctor wrote and altered a lot, seemed that he was missing. At last, he gave 3 weeks of IOP and told Mr. Fu "you may be blind after 2-3 years." This is really "bolt from the blue."

His eye diseases were deteriorating.

On Oct. 14, 2008(97), Mr. Fu started concurrently using SRT. Then, his stamina and spiritual had improvement. He felt his vision get better. After 5 months, he saw the doctor on Apr. 14, 2009(98), the doctor found that Mr. Fu's intraocular pressure dropped to almost in the normal range ( the upper figure D). 

Jun. 9, 2009(98), Mr. Fu went to the hospital, his intraocular pressure is in the normal range ( the upper figure E). After this, his vision is constantly restored, and his lifestyle, sports, traffic were hardly affected.

The contrast of Mr. Fu's complexion after using SRT 19 days and one and a half years is on the next. He looks younger. 

Concurrently using SRT to improve body constitution, to restore his ability of self-regeneration and healing, it has a good effect on retina atrophy. So serious chronic disease, like Mr. Fu, can almost get well, although he has been controlled by chemical drugs for more than ten years. 

The contrast of Mr. Fu's complexion after using SRT 19 days and one and a half years is on the next. He looks younger.

3. Case 37:Mr. Chen Got Serious Frozen Shoulder

Because serious pain of the Frozen shoulder, Mr. Chen took sick leave for a month. He was too painful to stand, so, he saw 3 medical units for 3 days (the upper side of the following pictures) and brought 20 days of medicine. But they couldn't still stop the pain. What could he do? He used SRT, then his pain relieved in 30 minutes. On the next day, we visited him again. Mr. Chen wove his arm, happily and loudly said "Normal! and I went to work today" (the lower side of the following figure). 

 Mr. Chen saw 3 medical units for 3 days and brought 20 days of medicine (upper). After using SRT, he wove his arm happily. 

4. Case 38: Miss Huang Decades of Hepatitis B 

Miss Huang said "I don't know how long I've gotten hepatitis B virus. I remember, a blood test before my marriage, it was the first time I had been notified that I got the hepatitis B virus. After that, every time of blood test shows I have the hepatitis B virus. This must have been more than 40 years. Anyway, there is neither painful nor itching, then I ignore it." 

The following figure shows some of her inspection reports that she had really got the hepatitis B virus for a long time.  

Miss Huang's inspection reports showed she had gotten the hepatitis B virus for many years. 

After Miss Huang using SRT for about a year, her inspection report (shown as follows) showed that her hepatitis B virus(HBsAg) was negative. What amazing!

It may be more effective than chemical drugs, we think, that improving body constitution, the invigorating the immune system of his own to extinguish the intruder, and it's almost no side effect. 

5. Case 54:Mr. Tu's Severe Hypertension

Mr. Tu was under 30 years old. His blood pressure was 210/170 mmHg, but he felt no symptoms (It may be caused by slowly aging for a long time). This hypertension is the phenomenon of sclerosis of the arteries (the deviation between systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure is 40mmHg). The abnormal physique leads him to obesity and being tired, and he felt hot and was sweaty all day long. After Mr. Tu used SRT for half a year, his blood pressure descended to 180/140 mmHg. His stamina and spiritual had improvement. And, Mr. Tu looked younger and handsome. The comparison of complexions is shown in the following figure.

The comparison of Mr. Tu's complexions before and after using SRT 6 months.

6. The Improvement of Mr. Wu's Crooked Side Face

Mr. Wu had no Facial Paralysis, but his eye, mouth, and tongue were already slightly twisted to one side. After using SRT 3 months, the picture (shown as follows) displays that his stamina and spiritual improvement have improvement, the skin is invigorating and compact, and his face looks better.  

After Mr. Wu using SRT for 3 months, his face displays much better.

7. Case 63:The Heart Stent was Put in Thigh

Mr. Lin (83 years old) had hypertension for about ten years and diabetes for about 2 years. His heart had surgery because of myocardial infarction. He felt fatigued and listlessness. He took 2 tablets of hypoglycemic agents each day to control his blood glucose of AC/PC about 180/240mg/dL(10/13.3mmol/L). After Mr. Lin using SRT, his stamina and spiritual had improvement. He could go out for taking exercise and walking, and his blood pressure and blood sugar were concurrently stable, then descending gradually. After concurrently using SRT half a year, he increased exercise from "couldn't walk" to "walk 8,000 steps every morning." His AC ever descended to 110 mg/dL(6.1 mmol/L), so that he stopped hypoglycemic agents gradually, and not so long time, his hypertensive drug was stopped, too. His quality of life was obviously improved. Even his hair seemed to grow more, stronger and blacker (the figure is shown as follows).

The variation of Mr. Lin's hair

To stop using SRT about a year, because of fatigue and listlessness, Mr. Lin cannot but using a little of bio-tech supplementary food to recuperate himself. At the end of 2008, Mr. Lin was checked out of the heart blood vessel blockage. He has arranged the surgery of installing a heart stent after the Lunar New Year of 2009. 

The situation pushed Mr. Lin actively using SRT, then his health has improved again. He felt his heart was in normal function, then he hesitated whether he could not install cardiac stents. He asked the hospital, it replied that heart stent already purchased couldn't be refunded(already paid to the hospital).

After thinking it over and discussing it with the family members, Mr. Lin made a decision to install cardiac stents. The check before surgery couldn't be sloppy. But, after checking, the doctor couldn't do the surgery because he couldn't find where is the blocked coronary artery. The doctor suggested that the stent was very expensive and couldn't be refunded after being purchased, whether the stent installed in the thigh? Mr. Lin and his family members agreed with it. 

After installing surgery, the patient needed to take powerful anticoagulants for about one month, and its side effect is horrible. The doctor especially gave him an order that during medication, if there was any discomfort then suspended medication immediately, and immediately returned to the hospital clinic.

After installing surgery, Mr. Lin's complexion was pale, he felt extreme listlessness. On the sixth day of taking powerful anticoagulants, suddenly his skin appeared many red blood-like spots. He quickly went back to the hospital emergency room, but he had been renal failure rapidly and needed renal dialysis. After this, Mr. Lin needed regularly renal dialysis and lived with extreme listlessness. Just a few months, he passed away. How regrettable we are!

8. Case 55:The Improvement of Mr. Yiun's Hypothyroidism 

Because of Mr. Yian took radioactive iodine to treat hyperthyroidism, he became a hypothyroidism patient. He was extremely tired. He always drove his car with an imperceptibly sleepy head. The figure on the left side(5-A) is Mr. Yian before using SRT. And, the figure on the right side(5-B) is Mr. Yian after using SRT for half a year. It shows that his stamina and spiritual had improvement, and his hair grew thicker. 


The comparison of Mr. Yiun's complexions.

5-A: Before using SRT, he was hypothyroidism, fatigue, listless. His hair was thinner.

5-B: After using SRT for half a year, his hypothyroidism and spiritual have improvement. His hair was thicker.

9.The Improvement of Myasthenia Gravis 

MR. Liu said "As I remember, I got myasthenia gravis since I became a college student (about 5 years ago). The students were not willing to live with me. They said that my face looks very sad. When I am talking or laughing, my face looks like crying, and let them feel upset."   

Before using SRT, Mr. Liu took a picture(A) with the most natural expression of consciousness. Then, after used SRT 30 minutes, he kept the same way to take a picture(B). He found his eyes are open wider, and his complexion had obvious improvement. Mr. Liu himself was surprised! His hands couldn't write by severely trembling. But, after using SRT for about 30 minutes, Mr. Liu wrote some words as shown on the lower right.  

The comparison of faces before and after using SRT 30 minutes.

We asked for Mr. Liu showed the most natural expression of consciousness and took these pictures.   

A: Before using SRT, his eyes are listless and dropped.

B: after using SRT 30 minutes. his eyes show some energy.

10.The Improvement of Mr. Kim's Gout Elbow

Mr. Kim was 52 years old. He had gout on his arms and feet for many years. Every time the episode, he almost couldn't work and needed to stay at home for 3-5 days. Someday, when he went to director Wu's office for business at about 3 o'clock PM. he was sudden onset of gout (shown as figure A2). After he used SRT, then he went out, suddenly, he felt his elbow relieved (shown as figure A3).

The comparison of the elbow before and using SRT 30 minutes.

11. Let's Keep on Studying

Using SRT to treat aging diseases has a good effect. But, Does use SRT to treat beauty improvement has a similar effect? Let's keep on studying.

              C1: The Effect of SRT on Allergic Diseases & Autoimmune diseases《The Previous Chapter           The Next Chapter》C3: The Effect of SRT on Improving Beauty