Body Constitution
1. Introduction of Body Constitution
In general, chronic diseases, such as diabetes, asthma, chronic pharyngitis, and gout, etc., are considered to be inherited, are incurable and can be controlled by chemical drugs. In fact, these chronic diseases are almost caused by the damaged body constitution. The healthy body constitution not only has the functions which are described in Physiology, especially but also has the abilities which are combined by these functions. These abilities, such as...
Nutrition Conversion Ability
Self-Regeneration Ability
Environmental Balance Ability
The ability of adaption the environment
The ability of resistance aging
The ability of resistance disease
...six kinds of combined abilities, can let the human adapt and cope with the changes of his living environment.
Since our body constitutions are damaged by "12 chronic disease stimulating factors" that makes us be losing healthy functions gradually by the stages of Weakness, Stasis and Sclerosis. If we can use "The Eight Principles of Self Regeneration Therapy" to restore our damaged body constitution, the chronic disease can be always cured or improved.
This research is discussed, used and described in the books of “Decipherment of The Body Constitution of Diabetes Mellitus” and “Decipherment of The Body Constitution of Difficult and Complicated Disease”, they are two of the three books about body constitution.
2. About "Decipherment of The Body Constitution of Chronic Illnesses"
"Decipherment of The Body Constitution of Chronic Illnesses" was published in 2015, written by MD candidate. The book is using the A4 forum, 9 Chapters and 207 pages in total. It discusses that the criteria of a healthy body constitution, the reasons for damage body constitution, changes when the body constitution damaged, and the methods for repairing the damaged body constitution. There are 83 pictures, 58 cases and 436 references in the book to support of versatility and correctness of SRT.
3. The Important Points of This Book
For people, the healthy body constitution is almost the same.
In general, getting chronic diseases are not by hereditary. It comes from that the healthy body constitution has been stimulated. There are 12 stimulating factors. We called "12 chronic disease stimulating factors."
When the healthy body constitution is damaged, he will convert to allergy body constitution and aging body constitution. To combine with the deterioration of weakness, stasis, and sclerosis stages, then, he will gradually form a chronic disease root. When a chronic disease becomes a serious stage, it is easier to get another chronic disease. And, he is easier to get acute diseases, too.
Since chronic illness comes from body constitution being damaged, the only way to get health back is repairing the damaged body constitution and restoring his normal abilities. "The Eight Principles of Self Regeneration Therapy" is a good choice.
For the purpose of showing "The Eight Principles of Self Regeneration Therapy" is helpful to chronic patients. Let's study diabetes on the viewpoint of body constitution. The next Chapter is the content of the introduction of "Decipherment of The Body Constitution of Diabetes Mellitus."
4. Let's keep on studying!
M7: The Principle for "A Sick Matches A Medicine"《The previous chapter The Next Chapter》B1: The Worldwide Crisis of Diabetes